
Introducing our new blog series, ‘Ask An Author’!

Feb 3, 2025

Are you a writer who dreams of being a successful author? Or perhaps you’re just curious about what life as an author is really like… Either way, you’re in the right place! We’re delighted to introduce Ask An Author, our brand new blog series where we put all your burning questions to successful writers. Whether…

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How to write a novel in a year hero 2

How to Write a Novel in a Year

Katja Kaine is an award wining novelist and the creator of The Novel Factory. Her debut novel, Blood of Gods and Girls, will be published in early 2026 by Penguin...

12 Gift Ideas for Writers (That AREN’T Books!)

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Katja Kaine: How I Got My Agent (And a Six Figure Book Deal!)

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Scrivener vs Word: Which One Suits You Better?

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What Are Villain Motivations, and How Can You Use Them to Write a Realistic Antagonist?

Think of your favorite villain. What makes them memorable? From Professor Moriarty to Cersei Lannister to The Joker, the 'method behind their madness' often plays a big role in cementing...
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Dan Harmon’s Story Circle: Eight Steps to a Complete Narrative

Storytelling may be an art, but it’s also a craft. A good story contains a framework that’s like the hidden supports in a building. It not only has a beginning,...
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How to Write a Fight Scene

For many, writing a fight scene can seem like a daunting task. After all, violence is the very opposite of a walk in the park… To help you win the...
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Crafting Visually Compelling Book Trailers: A Novelist’s Guide

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