Limited time offer

Use The Novel Factory for FREE until the end of November

Reach your novel-writing goals. Sign up for a trial in October and get extended access until the end of November – no payment details required.

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Everything you need to get from first idea...


Character Builder

Did you say their eyes were green or brown? Keep track of all the most important information about your characters in one place.

Flesh them out even further with detailed prompts that help you explore motivations, archetypes, backstories and relationships.


Plot Manager

Get a birds-eye view of your story with the Plot Manager. Easily rearrange scenes, assign characters and organise your plot.

Whether you’re writing fantasy, thriller or romance, our Plot Manager comes with templates for popular genres to help you structure your story from the start.


Writing Roadmap

Our built-in novel-writing Roadmap walks you through every step in the novel-writing process, from developing a premise to finding a publisher.

Written by successful author, Katja Kaine, this guide gives you all the support you need without ever leaving the app. final draft.


Linked Notes

Don't waste another minute of precious writing time digging through your notes.

Keep all your characters, plot points, and scene notes right at your fingertips when you write in The Novel Factory app.


Comprehensive Statistics

Use the Statistics section to set word count goals and keep an eye on your daily progress.

There's nothing more satisfying and motivating than seeing your progress visualised.

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Easy Export

The Novel Factory makes it easy to export your manuscript to Word once you're done. 

Export just your draft, or include all your supporting notes from characters to sub-plots. The choice is yours!

The sooner you sign up, the more time you'll have The Novel Factory for free!

Hear what our users are saying...

”I think I've tried every novel writing software on the market. THIS is a game changer.” – Chandler McGrew

"I absolutely adore the Novel Factory software and so do all my writer buddies 🙂 It's helped me publish 3 books as of this date and I'm working on my 4th!" – Rhiannon D. Elton

"I love the assist it gives to new writers. Its guides are awesome and easy to follow. Highly recommend." – Joseph Lawler