
What Are Character Tropes and When Should You Use Them?

You’ve heard of character archetypes, but do you know about character tropes? More specifically, do you know how to use them to write stronger stories? Archetypes inform your characters and the roles they play in your novel, but tropes can help you round out your characters’ personalities. Why you may already be using them without…

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character flaws

Character Flaws: The Ultimate Guide for Novelists

Creating characters who feel real and knowable can be a daunting task. So,  you’ve devoted a great deal of time researching and developing incredible characters you’re sure readers will love. They’re definitely not weak – they’re skilled, empathetic, they have goals… Problem is, they’re still falling flat. You’re frustrated. Have you considered that your characters may be too perfect? You read…

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10 Writing Strategies for Becoming a Master Storyteller

Are you afraid that your storytelling might be falling short? Maybe you’re a brand-new writer and know that with more skills or experience you’d have more confidence as a storyteller. Or maybe you’re a little farther along in your writing journey and you’re looking for ways to spice up your stories, introduce more variety, or avoid falling…

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Turn Your Idea Into a Powerful Story Using the Five Act Structure

Understanding story structure is critical if you’re going to write successful novels. Knowing how to set up a story, build to a climax, create reversals that surprise your readers, and tie-up loose ends will make the difference between a powerful narrative and a meandering anecdote. There are many different story structures that have been established…

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How to Start a Novel: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Great Novel Openings

Wondering what’s the most effective way to start your novel? The first few lines and pages of your novel are critical to get right. There’s a lot for you to achieve. From hooking the reader to establishing your story world to setting up the ending — in this article we’ll look at why it’s so…

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What is a Round Character?

What do people mean when they talk about Round Characters? We instinctively feel Round Characters must be good things to have in our novels, but what makes a Round Character different from a Flat Character? And where do Dynamic and Static characters fit in? Should all your characters be Round? How do you make them Round…

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How to Write a Main Character Your Readers Will Love

People may be drawn to your novel for the idea, or the plot, but the characters are what keeps them reading. If the reader likes your main character, roots for them, rejoices in their successes and feels the pain of their defeats, they will be immersed in your story. But if your main characters are…

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How to Write Your Novel Using the Three Act Structure

There are many different plot structures and ways of ordering your story—many of which overlap and mirror each other. In this article, we’ll take a look at the most ancient plot structure of all: The Three Act Structure. We’ll find out a little background and then break down the ‘three acts’, looking at what they…

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GUEST POST: My Hero’s Journey into Being a Writer

This is a guest post by Rhiannon Elton, author of the Wolflock series.A personal account from an author who has battled her demons and come out on top. Introduction to the Protagonist’s World I was born with a galaxy of libraries in my eyes. But it took a long time to transform them into the words…

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Internal and External Conflict: The Complete Guide for Writers

Conflict is the driving force behind most powerful novels. Without conflict, there is no story. But getting conflict right isn’t simply a matter of adding gunshots and fistfights. There are many different levels of conflict, from a life of death battle with the forces of nature, to the muttered passive-aggressive comment. And of course some…

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