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  4. What platforms does The Novel Factory work on?
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  4. What platforms does The Novel Factory work on?

What platforms does The Novel Factory work on?

The current version of The Novel Factory (Version 3) is what’s known as a progressive web app, which means it can work on almost any device with a browser, and also that you can download it and work offline without an internet connection.

This means it can work on computers, phones and tablets, whether they are running Windows, Android, iOS or MacOS.

The main limiting factor is age. If your device is able to run the latest version of a popular browser like Chrome, it will almost certainly be able to run The Novel Factory. However, if your device or operating system is particularly old, the software may not be able to run properly. Please check the requirements below to make sure your set up is suitable.

System requirements

  • 2Gb+ Memory
  • 10Gb+HDD space

Recommended operating systems

  • Windows 10+
  • MacOS 11+
  • Android 13+
  • iOS 16+

Recommended browsers

  • Chrome version 126+
  • Edge version 126+
  • Safari version 16+

If you have specific questions about compatibility, please contact us and we will do our best to help.

We can’t always test every single aspect of the software on every single device, so if you notice anything odd on your device, please let us know (with details of the device, operating system and browser you’re using) so that we can address it.

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