

How to Write a Prologue That Sets the Tone and Captivates Readers

Guest Author: Dave Chesson Whether you love them or hate them, prologues are frequently a big part of fiction, especially in certain genres like fantasy or science fiction. A prologue can be a bit confusing. If it’s the first part of your book, why not just make it chapter one? What separates a prologue from…

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How to Write a Thriller (& Keep Your Readers on the Edge of Their Seats)

Are you itching to try your hand at writing a thriller? Or perhaps you’ve already written one, or more, but feel that they lack a certain je ne sais quoi? People love stories that keep them on the edge of their seats, hold them in suspense, and get their hearts racing. And the thriller genre is one…

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The Snowflake Method: From Idea to Novel in 10 Steps

If you’re a new writer, you know it can be frustrating to have lots of ideas and no clue how to turn those ideas into a book. If you’re more experienced, you know it can take some time and experimentation to find the approach that works best for you. There are many popular and proven…

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Western v Eastern Storytelling

The Origins of Western and Eastern Storytelling — and Why They are Different 

Guest post by Neil Wright Where you are and where you have grown up plays a massive part in how you perceive the world. It is our cultures that shape who we are. Most people tend to think of culture as the superficial surface phenomena of clothing and certain sporting events and festivities. They don’t…

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Thematic Statement

What is a Thematic Statement (and How to Write One)

You may have heard the term “thematic statement” when it comes to novel writing. But what does it actually mean? Do you really need one? Theme can be a pretty complex topic. There are many different interpretations. Sometimes terms are used interchangeably, and discussions around topic, theme, and thematic statements can be a bit mind-boggling.…

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How to Write a Romance Novel

Guest post by Millie Dinsdale Are you considering writing a romance novel? You might be wondering where to start. Romance novels are incredibly popular and while they might seem easy to write, there’s a lot of nuance that goes into creating an effective and reader-friendly love story. In this article, I’ll outline eight steps for writing…

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Parts of a Story: A Beginners Guide to the Five Basic Elements of a Story

There are certain elements every good story needs. If you skip any one of them, there’s a good chance your story will fall flat and fail to resonate with readers. They’ll struggle to lose themselves in the world you’ve created and have little concern for what happens to your characters. No one ever sets out to write…

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Writing Science Fiction: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing a Sci Fi Novel

Do you dream of writing a great science fiction novel? If you’re a fan of the genre, then you know a well-written sci-fi story includes excitement, adventure, a fascinating and memorable world, and some truly unique characters and relationships. But you might also be hesitant. That’s because the best sci-fi novels don’t just entertain. They also make your…

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10 Writing Strategies for Becoming a Master Storyteller

Are you afraid that your storytelling might be falling short? Maybe you’re a brand-new writer and know that with more skills or experience you’d have more confidence as a storyteller. Or maybe you’re a little farther along in your writing journey and you’re looking for ways to spice up your stories, introduce more variety, or avoid falling…

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Turn Your Idea Into a Powerful Story Using the Five Act Structure

Understanding story structure is critical if you’re going to write successful novels. Knowing how to set up a story, build to a climax, create reversals that surprise your readers, and tie-up loose ends will make the difference between a powerful narrative and a meandering anecdote. There are many different story structures that have been established…

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