
Turn Back Time (version history)

The Novel Factory includes a ‘Turn Back Time’ or ‘Version History’ feature. This automatically saves your work at regular intervals and allows you to browse through the saved versions in order to access work that has since been changed or deleted. To use the Turn Back Time feature, look for the little clock icon: This…

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Spelling Checker/Spellcheck

The Novel Factory utilises the spelling/grammar checker which is provided by your browser, so the functions that are available to you will vary depending on which browser you have logged in on, or used to download the desktop version of the app. Using the spelling checker in Chrome We recommend Google Chrome for getting the…

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Using custom panels

Overview Custom panels allow you to create your own panels and choose the content that goes in them. We offer a range of panels with questions carefully designed to help you develop your characters, locations and more. However, we know that many writers will have their own preferences for what data they wish to keep…

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Working offline in The Novel Factory

The Novel Factory includes a setting which allows you to work offline. This can be useful if you know you are going to be without an internet connection for a period of time and want to be able to continue working on your novel. It is important to note that the ‘work offline’ setting stops…

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Importing your novel from Word

You can import your manuscript from Word into The Novel Factory. To do this, log in to your account. Then go to the Manuscript section and look for the ‘import’ icon in right-hand side of the toolbar. This will bring up a pop-up with a number of settings. The following sections will guide you through…

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Related Info sidebar

The Related Info sidebar (or side panel) can be found in the following sections: Plot Manager (when a scene is selected) Manuscript (when a scene is selected) Character Details Locations Details Item Details The sidebar works the same in all these sections, except when a scene is selected there are a few extra scene-specific panels…

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The Recycle Bin

The Novel Factory contains a Recycle Bin, where deleted content can be recovered. Things which can be recovered are: Characters Locations Items Scenes For other deleted data that you would like to recover, the Turn Back Time feature may be able to help. Recovering Data from the Recycle Bin To use the Recycle Bin, click…

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