Exporting your Novel and Supporting Data

To export your novel and all the supporting data, go to the user menu in the top right and click ‘export’.

A page will open with the filename of your novel and fields to enter your author name, email, phone and postal address.

You can change the filename of your novel if you wish.

If you enter the other supporting and contact data, it will appear in the top left hand corner of the first page of the export.

Following this data, there are the following options:

  • Scene Breaks
  • Include all supporting novel data in addition to manuscript (plotting, character, notes, etc)
  • Include Scene Titles
  • Include Chapter Titles
  • Include page numbers
  • Include Title in page header
  • Include Author name in page header

Scene Breaks

This is a dropdown list you can use to select what happens between the scenes in your manuscript.

You can choose between: single line break, double line break, asterisk, triple asterisk, page break or custom. In custom you can enter your preferred text or symbol.

Include all supporting novel data in addition to manuscript (plotting, character, notes, etc)

If you check this box, then as well as your manuscript, all supporting data will be included in the exported document.

Include Scene Titles

If you check this box, then any scene titles you have entered will be inserted at the beginning of each scene.

Include Chapter Titles

If you check this box, then any chapter titles you have entered will be inserted at the beginning of each chapter.

Include page numbers

If you check this box then page numbering will be included in the footer of each page of the document.

Include Title in page header

If you check this then the title will be included in the header of each page of the document.

Include Author name in page header

If you check this then the author name will be included in the header of each page of the document.


Once you have made all your selections, click ‘Export’ and your data will be exported.



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