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  4. Customising the Subplot Manager Interface

Customising the Subplot Manager Interface

The Subplot Manager offers a range of ways for you to customise the interface to suit your needs.

You can:

  • Make the cards larger or smaller
  • Display either the title or description of each plot event card, or both
  • Invert the axis
  • View full screen

This article explains how to do all these things.

Make the cards larger or smaller

Larger cards have larger text and are therefore easier to read. However, if you prefer you can make the cards smaller in order to fit more on the screen at any time.

To change the size of the cards, use the dropdown on the left hand side of the toolbar.

Here is the interface showing in the three size options.

This is small:


This is medium:


This is large:

Display either the title or description of each plot event card, or both

Each ‘cell’ of the subplot manager is made up of one or more plot event cards, which look like this:

These should not be confused with the index cards, which look like this:

Index cards chart the major beats of your plot, and can also be found in the Plot Manager, and the Manuscript section at the top of the Related Info.

However, plot event cards relate more to the smaller details of your plot and subplots.

Each plot event card is made up of a title and a description:

You can choose to display either the title, or the description, or both. To do this, click the second dropdown option in the toolbar:

Here is what the three options look like.

This is the interface with only the titles showing:

Here it is with only the descriptions showing:

And here it is with both the titles and the descriptions on display:

Invert the axis

By default the index cards are displayed down the right hand side of the Subplot Manager, but you have the option to invert the axis and have them display along the top if you prefer.

To do this click the invert axis button found towards the top left, just under the toolbar:

This is what it looks like with the axis inverted:

View full screen

Finally, in the Subplot Manager, you have the option to view the interface full screen, to give you the maximum possible space, and minimise distractions.

To do this, click the full screen button found in the right of the toolbar:

This is what it looks like full screen:


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