
Navigating the software

There are two main ways to navigate the Novel Factory software: The main navigation The user menu The Main Navigation The main navigation is the vertical black bar along the left-hand side of the software (this turns into a compact hamburger menu on mobile devices). This is what you use to move between the main…

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Understanding scenes in The Novel Factory

This article will explain the concepts of scenes within The Novel Factory and their practical application. What are scenes? In the Novel Factory the main ‘unit’ of writing we use is a scene. You can use your own rules to define a scene, but we usually consider it a contained piece of writing which has…

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Understanding Chapters in The Novel Factory

This article will explain the concepts of chapters within The Novel Factory and their practical application. What are Chapters? In The Novel Factory, the main ‘unit’ we break a novel down into is a scene. Read more about Scenes here. Chapters are like folders: they are used to group scenes together and can be given…

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A quick guide to creating characters

Creating a character Go to the Characters section by clicking the relevant option in the main navigation – the one that looks like a little person. Once you’re in the Characters section, click the green ‘add Character’ button in the top right. A pop-up will appear where you can enter a name, brief description of…

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Using panels

The Novel Factory is made up of a number of different sections, including Premise and Synopses, Plot Manager and Subplot Manager. Each section can be accessed via the main navigation menu on the left-hand side. Within each of these sections, the data is further organised into panels. For example, in the Premise and Synopses section,…

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Using custom panels

Overview Custom panels allow you to create your own panels and choose the content that goes in them. We offer a range of panels with questions carefully designed to help you develop your characters, locations and more. However, we know that many writers will have their own preferences for what data they wish to keep…

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Choosing which panels to show or hide

In The Novel Factory, you can customise your interface by selecting which panels you would like to see and which you would like to have hidden. To find out more about panels and how they work generally, click here. These are the sections where you can show/hide panels: Premise and Synopses Characters Locations Items Select…

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Using plot templates

The Novel Factory comes with a variety of plot templates to help ensure your story has a solid structure. Many of our users find this one of the most useful features of the software. Plot templates can be found in the Plot Manager section. Selecting a plot template Go to the Plot Manager section by…

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Related Info sidebar

The Related Info sidebar (or side panel) can be found in the following sections: Plot Manager (when a scene is selected) Manuscript (when a scene is selected) Character Details Locations Details Item Details The sidebar works the same in all these sections, except when a scene is selected there are a few extra scene-specific panels…

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